Apparently it's getting cooler, but let's be honest, we only get a few winter nights if we're lucky each year. So while the rest of Oz is starting soup season, we can still whip up delicious and icy cold smoothies to cool down on a warm autumn day.

Get the recipe for a choc cool down with acai below...


  • 1x sachet of frozen acai (we love Amazonia Acai Pure Smoothie packs)
  • Handful of crushed ice
  • 1x teaspoon of maca powder
  • 1x tablespoon of cacao or cocoa powder
  • 1x tablespoon of kefir or good quality greek yoghurt
  • 1x teaspoon of raw honey
  • Sprinkle of cacao nibs or grated dark chocolate


Blend, pour into a cup and top with cacao nibs or grated dark chocolate. Enjoy and lap up the never ending summer!